September 20, 2012

Happy Easter

[back dated April 7th 2007]Today started out like any other weekend. Wake up to the kids downstairs watching cartoons. Make my 12 cups of coffee. Feed the cats and clean out their litter box. Make the kids breakfast. Pick out their clothes and set them on their beds. Have them brush their teeth. And then sit down with my hubby and figure out what we are going to do with the family for the day.

Today on post if a Family Fun Day. They will have bounce houses and food booths. Games and information booths set up. But the thing about this is that we attended last year and we ended up spending way to much money on rides and games and food.
So this year we decided not to take the kids to this and do something else with them.

Last night we took the kids to Bridge to Terabithia....and it was a really good movie. I cried. My son said he almost cried and my hubby said he almost cried. A good family movie to rent or buy---
Jess Aarons had to be the Fastest runner at Lark Creek Elementary School, the best, but when he was challenged by Leslie Burke, a girl, that was just the beginning of a new season in Jess's life. Leslie and her parents were new comers to the rural community where Jess Lived, and were thought to be a bit odd, for they didn't even own a TV, though their house was filled with books. Some-what to Jess's surprise, he and Leslie became friends, and the worlds of imagination and learning that she opened to him changed him for ever. It was Leslie's idea to create Terabithia, their secret Kingdom in the woods where they reigned supreme. There no enemy - not their teacher Monster Mouth Meyers, their schoolmates Gary Fulcher and Janice Avery, Jess's Four sisters, or even Jess's own fears and Leslie's imaginary foes - could defeat them. The Legacy that Leslie finally brought to Jess enabled him to cope with the unexpected tragedy that touched them all.

Alright so tomorrow is Easter which btw {Happy Easter}. We are having the kids go on a treasure hunt for their baskets, even our teenager has to hunt for hers. Yes, of course she still gets a basket. Even though she is almost 16 she LOVES getting a basket and I LOVE making them for her. Then friends are coming over for a ham dinner with the trimmings. And two of my husbands single soldiers that have become like family to us. So tomorrow shall be a wonderful day with family and friends.  I will take pictures and try to post a few.

Not to much else to report on the home front. I know you are all following the veto going back and forth in congress right now, right? And that the National Guard is being called upon*again* by the thousands to go back to Iraq-arghhhhhhhhhh!

Enjoy your weekend.
It is a fabulous sunny day here and we are off to go enjoy it.

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