August 14, 2011

Customized Photo Coffee Coaster

Supplies you need to make coffee coasters are: laminate machine[I know I know some of you dont have one]craft glue, scissors, photo paper, and of course coffee coasters!

Print off your favorite photo's I'm doing 8 coasters so I printed off 8 pictures. I printed them all 3x5. Made them all black and white. Cut a template out for the circles. Once I cut the photo circle out I ran it through my lamintaor. If you do not have one I'm sure you can use Mod Podge How to Use Mod Podge they have some for paper. This way if you spill liquid on the coaster it wont make the picture run. After running it through my machine I cut out the circle and glued it to the coaster WALLAH a customized photo coffee coaster--->Happy crafting :)


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