September 17, 2012


[back dated April 1st 2005]
TGIF-yipeeeeee! I am so glad today is Friday and the weekend is here.  Thursday we had our FRG meeting, we were told when the guys would be leaving for downrange, we were given dates. Of course we all know this changes, so we will see. I know not  to write these dates in pen but in pencil as I will be changing it over and over again. Ah just many joys of being in the military. Dates are ALWAYS changing =) We had a really good FRG meeting. Got a lot of things set up and figured out where we were taking our FRG. We have a very small group of wives of about maybe 8-10 of us, but hey those wives that come and want to be involved then I am all for a small group.  Pretty soon once the guys deploy, they will be like my second family. So glad that I am getting to know them all and that we are coming together nicely.
Okay well as most know today was payday for the military and if you are like us with a big family then you know all the errands you got to run. The bank, the bills, the car, the PZ, the PX, the commissary, pre-school payment and finally gas-arghhhhhhh the lines are always sooooooo long here. I hate it. But oh well I am not going to go on the economy and pay the Euro for gas, it is a KILLER!
Tomorrow being Saturday I am heading to a Bazaar with one of my bf and we are going to be doing something super neat for our hubbies. I can not post it here as my husband reads my blogs now. But I will post it so you can see. Then after the bazaar Kimberly and I are heading to Ikea to see the spring stuff they have out. I am hoping to find a few things, like my bamboo blinds that I need for my windows and maybe also if they put out the air conditioners.
Anyway, hubby will be heading to the field in April on and off on and off. Then gone. Unless something happens with his re-up. I will post soon as we know something..
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy being paid-woohoo =) our guys should be getting paid A LOT more but hey if I could I change that I would!!!!

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